Nelly Elliott

Newcastle based person, she/her, mama, creative, colourful, caffeinated, plus-size fashion lover, lefty feminist killjoy #funbutmakeitfashion


01 Life's short. Talk fast

Hey, long time no see! No doubt you assumed I had abandoned my little corner of the internet. In truth I kind of thought I had too.

Life got busy, things got stressful and this took a backseat, heck it got shoved in the boot, or got dumped by the side of the road somewhere between there and here. I honestly thought me and blogging might be done, does anyone read blogs anymore? And then I realised I was thinking about it all wrong. I am not here to write what other people want to hear, I am not here to give up my job and do this full time, I am not here for the competative blog chart life. I am here to write, capture memories, store recipes and be a part of a wonderful community.

One thing I have learnt in my life to date is that it is too damn short. A lot of you who have followed for a while will know that I lost my mum back in 2011 and one of the main regrets is that I do not have enough of her, I dont have enough photos, my memory for stories is fading. My life is moving on and I have very little tangible things to hold and read and remember. So, my goal here is to share, over share, and leave this corner of the internet filled with memories of the life I have lived.

With all of that rather self indulgent waffle aside, I decided to relaunch with a new look - you know me, I love a rebrand! I really sincerely hope you like it and I cannot wait to start sharing things again.

Spolier alert; I even did some baking recently!! Watch this space.
